Grand Canyon

January 13, 2009 ·

Michael Reichmann

Above, Below and Through

Earlier this year I was fortunate to be able to spend 8 dayswhitewater raftingdown theColorado Riverthrough theGrand Canyon. Previous visits have taken me to theNorth Rimand on this trip I was able to explore just about all of the overlooks on theSouth Rim. As well, we took a sightseeing flight over the Canyon which completed the Gestalt.

Photographed with a Canon EOS D30 and Canon 17~35mm f/2.8l lens at ISO 100. RAW Mode.

The Grand Canyon is an ever-changing panorama. Light and weather are the two big determinants of how successful your photographs might be.

In early December, 2000 the weather was clear and cool and so we had to reply on the character-full light of sunset and sunrise.

Photographed with a Canon EOS D30 and Canon 17~35mm f/2.8l lens at ISO 100. RAW Mode.

National Parks in the U.S. are becoming more crowded each year. At the Grand Canyon, as it many others, private cars are increasingly being replaced by shuttle buses....

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Michael Reichmann is the founder of the Luminous Landscape. Michael passed away in May 2016. Since its inception in 1999 LuLa has become the world's largest site devoted to the art, craft, and technology of photography. Each month more than one million people from every country on the globe visit LuLa.

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January 13, 2009 ·

Michael Reichmann

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Lightroom 2 Preview Clip

January 13, 2009 ·

Michael Reichmann

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